1. How long have you been training?
I began my martial arts training at Harp Karate, studying Sensei Harp’s interpretation of Isshin Ryu Karate. I took a stab at Aiki Ju Do, but it didn’t work for me … I love the concept and principles of Aiki, but I have physical limitations that prevent me from pursuing the art. No worries though … Aiki Ken Jutsu and Ken Ai Do provide me with many opportunities to expand my horizons. These sword arts add depth to my training.
3. What do you love most about the martial arts?
4. What do you think is special about Harp Karate compared to other schools?
5. How did you first become involved in the martial arts?
10. How have the martial arts changed who you are?
In January of 2012, I will have been training for 20 years … I wish I had started sooner!
2. What martial arts have you studied?
2. What martial arts have you studied?
I began my martial arts training at Harp Karate, studying Sensei Harp’s interpretation of Isshin Ryu Karate. I took a stab at Aiki Ju Do, but it didn’t work for me … I love the concept and principles of Aiki, but I have physical limitations that prevent me from pursuing the art. No worries though … Aiki Ken Jutsu and Ken Ai Do provide me with many opportunities to expand my horizons. These sword arts add depth to my training.
3. What do you love most about the martial arts?
So hard to say … there is always room for improvement and growth … there is the feeling of confidence … there is the satisfaction in helping others learn … I have never found a negative aspect to martial arts training …
4. What do you think is special about Harp Karate compared to other schools?
I have never trained at another school, but I have visited some … at Harp Karate each student is an individual, valued for their individuality and trained with that individuality in mind. Each student is encouraged to work and progress at the pace that suits them best, and each student is backed by the support of all members of the dojo.
5. How did you first become involved in the martial arts?
My sons joined Harp Karate while I was undergoing radiation and chemotherapy in a battle against breast cancer. When I finished my chemotherapy, I decided I would “take karate” to regain my strength. My four year old son taught me to tie my belt! I soon discovered that one doesn’t “take karate” … okay … some do … but not me …I was hooked after the first few classes … after that I didn’t “take karate” …. I was on the road to becoming a martial artist.
6. What is your proudest moment in the dojo?
6. What is your proudest moment in the dojo?
I don’t think I can identify a proudest moment … there have been so many and there are so many more to come. The proudest moments so far have been when I have watched someone I have helped to train overcome all odds and attain their goals …
7. Who in the martial arts has inspired you?
7. Who in the martial arts has inspired you?
My brother was my first inspiration … then I joined Harp Karate and was inspired by many … Sensei Margot, Sensei Jennifer, and of course, Sensei Harp.
8. Where do you see your training going in the next five years?
8. Where do you see your training going in the next five years?
As one of the senior members of the dojo (I’m old), I see my training continuing along the path I have been following … I work on making more of less
9. What is your favorite technique, kata, or other activity in the dojo?
9. What is your favorite technique, kata, or other activity in the dojo?
When I enter the dojo whatever I practice is my favorite for that day … if I am the sensei I get to choose my favorite ,,, if I am not the Sensei, whatever I am assigned is my favorite for that time.
10. How have the martial arts changed who you are?
The martial arts have made me an entirely different person …I am more confident (ok … confident at all) … I’m in the best physical condition I’ve ever been….I am happy and proud every day when I train and know that I have improved my life (and had fun doing it!)