Friday, January 27, 2012

Outdoor Seigan

Post By: S Lee

During the Thursday class we have been challenging ourselves by having part of practice outside. The idea is to continue to do this, despite whatever weather conditions might arise. Though we have not been purposely adding time to our half hour challenge, it has been naturally happening. The first time out there we lasted half an hour, while last class we spent about forty-five minutes training outdoors. So why would anyone insist on this?

There are a number of reasons why outdoor training is beneficial. First, we did not pick the Thursday self defense class randomly. Using techniques on uneven ground, sometimes slippery ground, against people wearing layers of clothing, adds some needed realism to self defense. Chances are if you are ever attacked in real life, you may have to face these conditions. Even throwing a simple and normally powerful elbow strike is difficult if you slide on a patch of ice (which I found out last week.) It makes you realize that things like head kicks or spinning kicks are maybe not as good for self defense as you once thought. Plus, with the noise of the passing traffic it is almost impossible to hear your attacker approaching. This drastically cuts down on the time you have to react with something that makes sense.

Toughness is an element that is necessary in nearly every sport, and certainly in the martial arts. Forcing yourself to train in less than ideal conditions helps develop this inner sense of strength. It shows you that you can go outside in the rain or snow, do what you have to, and return relatively unscathed. I think anyone who has experienced this will agree that it feels good running up that hill. It feels good throwing your techniques and working through circle attacks as the wind rushes at you. There is a certain amount of satisfaction when you throw your wet and mud-stained uniform in the wash.

Personally, staying focused outside is the toughest thing for me. The rushing cars, occasional jogger, dog walkers, and the huge glowing Tim Horton's sign are all major distractions. Staying focused through kata and basics is even more difficult with all these other things going on.

I strongly urge people to join us outside. It is excellent training and you will feel good about it. Oxyclean and Tide are great at getting mud out of white uniforms.  

Photo By: Ken Smith

Friday, January 20, 2012

Warming-Up Before Practice Starts

Post by: S Lee

You bow in, enter the dojo, bow to the shrine, and see that you have a good ten minutes before practice starts. Now what? Lately we have been going over some good ways to warm-up on your own when you get to the dojo a little bit early.

Range of motion exercises are a good way to start, but they shouldn't be done for more than a couple minutes. Muscles are like taffy, when they are warm they are stretchy and flexible. However, when they are cold they are susceptible to injury. Therefore, it is best to start warming up those muscles before you start stretching or doing strenuous activity like punching and kicking the bags. Here are some ideas:

-Knees to chest
-Jumping jacks
-Light jog, incorporating upper body movement
-Light shadow boxing
-Jump rope
-Tai Sabaki

After a few minutes of warming up with one of these activities, your muscles should start feeling warm and loose. Depending on how warmed up you are, you may feel like stretching at this point. Another option is to start practicing techniques. Bag work, push-ups, sit-ups, weapons kata, rolls, and other techniques can be practiced for the last few minutes before class starts.

There are some things you should NOT be doing:

-Talking about non-martial arts stuff
-Sitting down to stretch
-Staring into oblivion

It is important to get the most out of every class you attend. This is true for everyone, but even more so for people looking to test. One of the things black belts look for in potential testers is their readiness and enthusiasm. This is also your chance to work that new part of your kata or to go over your offensive sparring combinations without a Sensei scrutinizing your techniques.

Keep these things in mind when arriving to practice early. Have any other ideas for warm-ups? Add them in the comments!

Photo By: Ken Smith

Friday, January 13, 2012


Here are some photos from over the years at our dojo:

Photo By: Ken Smith 

Photo By: Lee Phelan

Photo By: Ken Smith

Photo By: Lee Phelan

Photo By: Ken Smith

Photo By: Deena Hucko

Photo By: Kathleen Vona
Photo By: Dan Hucko

Photo By: Ken Smith
Photo By: Ken Smith

Friday, January 6, 2012

Interview with Sensei Randy

1. How long have you been training?

I have been training in the martial arts for almost 19 years.

2. What martial arts have you studied?

I started in Aiki Ju Jutsu before I started training with Sensei Harp. The style (Kaze Arashi Ryu) was very rough. I was sore for 2 straight years! When I started with Harp, it was a new deal....the same art without the extreme pain in every class. I have studied and trained in Aikido, when I was living in Florida for a couple of years. I enjoyed it and learned a different perspective on the Aiki arts. The intent is totally different than Aiki Ju Do. I also have taken a few classes (when I was visiting my very good friend in Philadelphia) in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Those guys were crazy!! It was all about hurting the other guy and winning. They wouldn't tap.

3. What do you love most about the martial arts?

 Martial arts has given me strength, resolve and discipline. The ability to defend myself and those I love is just another added benefit that thankfully I have never had to use. It has taught me how not to get into bad situations as well.

4. What do you think is special about Harp Karate compared to other schools?

The people I have trained with are what makes Harp so special. Our Dojo seems to attract the best of the best. We all care about each other on and off the training floor.

5. How did you first become involved in the martial arts?

I had wanted to take up the martial arts since I was about 17, but after a severe knee injury when I was 18, I didn't think it was possible. But after my second knee operation at the age of 39, it felt good so I went for it!! I went to about 5 or 6 schools. When I watched Aiki being executed, I said "that's so cool!" so I started and have never stopped.

6. What is your proudest moment in the dojo?

Although receiving my first Black Belt was a very proud moment, I think I was even more proud when a couple of people that I helped to train for their Black Belts received theirs. And receiving my 2nd degree in Aiki and my 1st degree in Ken Jutsu when I was physically in sub-standard health really made me feel good about myself.

7. Who in the martial arts has inspired you?

Of course, watching Bruce Lee in the movies was the first inspiration for me. Another person who received his Black Belt in Aiki at the age of 63 or so, made me realize I could keep training for a long time. And of course, Sensei Terry with her 1000 day Seigan after some trying times in her life made me keep going when I wasn't sure I could.

8. Where do you see your training going in the next five years?

I am looking forward to working on improvement in my Aiki techniques and continue with my Ken Jutsu training. I love Ken Jutsu. The feeling of the sword in my hand has become so comfortable and satisfying.

9. What is your favorite technique, kata, or other activity in the dojo?

I would have to say that although I love Aiki and Ken Jutsu, the involvement with the exceptional people I train with is my favorite part.

10. How have the martial arts changed who you are?

It has given me confidence, humility and a feeling of strength that I did not know I had in me. It has made me realize that there really isn't anything you cannot do if you set your mind to it.

Photo By: Ken Smith