Friday, November 25, 2011

Famous People Who Are Also Martial Artists

This is a fun blog post!

Here is a list of 10 famous people who have trained in the martial arts:

Sean Connery: Kyokushin, also trained under Steven Seagal

Vladimir Putin: Judo Master

Bill Clinton: Taekwondo

Paul Walker: Brazilian Jujitsu

Criss Angel: Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo

Theodore Roosevelt: Judo, Jujitsu

Madonna: Karate

Courtney Cox: Karate

Lucy Liu: Escrima, Silat

Abraham Lincoln: Wrestling

So keep training, who knows it may help you win the next election or land that movie role! Add any others you can think of in the comments.


  1. I read somewhere that Cesar Millan, the "Dog Whisperer" has practiced martial arts too. We should all try to remember "calm and assertive".

  2. Vladimir Putin might have done Sambo. It's what the KGB uses. Same with Russian fighter Fedor Emilianenko.

  3. Hey very good blog!!!! Wow... Gorgeous .. Amazing
